All orders ( Brazil) need the tax ID number (CPF)

All orders ( Brazil) need the tax ID number (CPF)

The Last News from Brizal

Pls provide your tax ID number (CPF) if your order will be sent to Brazil. 

Thanks for your understanding!

Artkal Team

Berne, 7 October 2019

International Bureau Circular 161

Brazil – Inclusion of addressee tax

identification information

Dear Sir/Madam,

The designated operator of BRAZIL, Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (Correios), would like to inform other Union member countries and their designated operators that Correios is required to submit all items containing goods for customs control, in accordance with article 20.1 of the Universal Postal Convention. In this regard, and following a legal determination recently issued by the Brazilian customs authorities, Correios will be required to provide the importer tax identification number for addressees as of 1 January 2020.

In Brazil, the tax ID number is known as CPF (format: 000.000.000-00) for natural persons and CNPJ (format: 00.000.000/0000-00) for legal persons.

In order to mitigate the impacts of this requirement on international postal operations, Correios has developed an electronic tool which allows importers to provide the tax ID number in advance, prior to the arrival of the item in Brazil. This electronic tool, is, however, only intended as a back-up to the capture of the aforementioned information as requested by the Brazilian customs authorities.

Therefore, Correios kindly requests that, wherever possible, designated operators of other Union member countries ensure that the tax ID number of the importer is captured at origin, and include this information in the importer reference field of the CN 23 customs declaration form. To avoid processing delays, this information may also be transmitted electronically via ITMATT (UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33), using the “addressee.identification.reference” field.

Notwithstanding the above request, Correios also takes this opportunity to remind other Union member countries and their designated operators that any wrongly admitted items will continue to be dealt with in accordance with articles 08-002, 20-001, 19-101 and 19-103 of the Convention Regulations.

Yours faithfully,

Abdel Ilah Bousseta

Director of Postal Operations


Oct 18, 2022
Genaldo Silva de Holanda

Oi como faço cadastro

Apr 02, 2020

Cpf: 004.772.210-09

Dec 17, 2019
Hander Kichese

My cpf is 993257641-72

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