3D Alpaca Pattern - Animal Series (GL1-0005)

Alpaca Tutorial on Youtube

No.: GL1-0005

Why do peopel love alpacas? They  are adorable to look at and have the softest fur in the universe. Humans are drawn to anything with big eyes and round faces. They also want to pet anything that is fuzzy and warm and alpacas are warm and fuzzy creatures that do not show aggression often. They look like a cute combination of camel, teddy bear, and poodle dog.

We make two types of alpaca patterns, a rainbow one and a single color one. The alpacas are made of mini beads C series. If you love midi fuse beads, pls select the midi beads S series. You will find the color number of Artkal Beads and beads quantity on pattern. Pls don't worry about it!

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Color list and quantity:

Rainbow Alpaca:

Made by Midi Beads: S01*518, S72*94, S53*91, S29*84, S90*82, S87*55, S131*46, S13*7, S19*4, S129*2

Made by Mini Beads: C01*518, C79*94, C38*91, C41*84, C72*82, C76*55, C130*46, C02*7, C22*4, C128*2

Single Color Alpaca:

Made by Midi Beads: S01*518, S13*7, S19*4, S129*2, S131*46 (S131 can be change to the color you love)

Made by Mini Beads: C01*518, C02*7, C22*4, C128*2, C130*46 (C130 can be change to the color you love)

You might need these accessories and beads:

Midi Beads S: Multi Color-Combo (10 bags, 1 pegboard, ironing paper)
Midi Beads S Single Pack: 1000pcs Per bag
Big Square Pegboards

Mini Beads C: Multi Color-Combo (10 Bags, 1 pegboard, ironing paper)
Mini Beads C Single Pack: 2000pcs Per bag
Big Square Pegboards

Accessories: Twezzer


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